Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church

75 Fairpoint Drive • Gulf Breeze, Florida • 850-932-3594

Love • Hospitality • Hope • Healing


This is the home page of the voluntary GBUMC Online Directory. It may eventually be part of the church's website:

We would love to have everyone who attends (or plans to attend) our church submit a photo suitable for such a directory, along with their preferred first and last names, to Tom Browder. Families are welcome to also submit group photos, but a single photo, with preferred first and last name, is desired for each person in the family group.


We've added three more people this past week. (See if you can tell who they are.) Keep watching as we soon will add new pages for staff and families.


This is the first official day of the B with real pictures of 64 of our congregation. The design and features will be subject to change for a while until we are happy with it. Please feel free to send suggestions and criticisms to the webmaster: Tom Browder.

And please send your pictures if you want to help us get to know you better.